죽어가는 탐정 (The Adventure of the Dying Detective) 들으면서 읽는 영어 명작 414

죽어가는 탐정 (The Adventure of the Dying Detective) 들으면서 읽는 영어 명작 414

아서 코난 도일 (Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle) 저
PC PHONE TABLET 웹뷰어 프로그램 수동설치 뷰어프로그램 설치 안내
  • 보유 1
  • 대출 0
  • 예약 0


--------- 오디북 북 + 이북이 / 하나로 = 입체전자책 ----------- - 전자책과 오디오북이 하나로 합쳐진 입체전자책 - 영어 학습을 위한 최고의 입체 전자책입니다. - 읽으면서 한 번의 클릭으로 동시에 듣습니다. (크롬 환경 최적격) - 주제(Chapter) 마다 한 번의 클릭으로 편리하게 들을 수 있습니다. - 핸드폰도 편리하며 CD가 필요 없습니다. - 추천작이며 엄선된 작품입니다. - ★ 보이스 전체를 다운로드 받아서 편리하게 들을 수 있습니다 ★ ------------- Audio book + e book = solid book -------------- ★ 부록에 『영어 글쓰기 기본 (The Elements of Style)』첨부. 100년 가까운 세월 동안 미국에서 가장 많이 팔린 글쓰기 책이며, 2011년에 타임지가 선정한 1923년 이후 영어로 발행된 가장 영향력 있는 100대 도서 중 하나. -------------- "The Adventure of the Dying Detective", in some editions simply titled "The Dying Detective", is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Together with seven other stories, it is collected as His Last Bow. Dr Watson is called to tend Holmes, who is apparently dying of a rare disease contracted while he was on a case. Watson was shocked, having heard about his friend’s illness. Mrs. Hudson says that Holmes has neither eaten nor drunk anything in three days. Holmes instructs Watson not to come near him, because the illness is highly infectious. Although Watson wishes to examine Holmes himself or send for a specialist, Holmes demands that Watson wait several hours before seeking help. So, Watson is forced to wait, in extreme worry as Holmes mutters nonsense. While Watson waits, he examines several objects in Holmes’s room. Holmes grows angry when Watson touches items explaining that he does not like his things touched. At six o’clock, Holmes tells Watson to turn the gaslight on, but only half-full. He then instructs Watson to bring Mr Culverton Smith of 13 Lower Burke Street to see Holmes, but to make sure that Watson returns to Baker Street before Smith arrives. Watson goes to Smith's address. Although Smith refuses to see anyone, Watson forces his way in. Once Watson explains his errand on behalf of Sherlock Holmes, Smith's attitude changes dras