마스터 빌더, 헨립입센희곡집 (The Master Builder) 들으면서 읽는 영어 명작 614

마스터 빌더, 헨립입센희곡집 (The Master Builder) 들으면서 읽는 영어 명작 614

헨리크 입센 (Henrik Ibsen) 저
PC PHONE TABLET 웹뷰어 프로그램 수동설치 뷰어프로그램 설치 안내
  • 보유 1
  • 대출 0
  • 예약 0


◆ 국내에 자주 소개되지 않은 명작을 발굴하여 전자책으로 출간하는 숨어있는 명작 시리즈 ◆ 유명한 노르웨이의 극작가 헨릭 입센의 희곡 전집입니다. 사회의 허위와 부정을 파헤치는 사회극으로 유명한 입센은 힘차고 응집된 사상과 작품으로 근대극을 확립하였을 뿐만 아니라, 근대 사상과 여성해방 운동에까지 깊은 영향을 끼쳤다. 이 전집에는 입센의 대표 희곡들이 들어가 있습니다. 헨릭 입센의 희곡 전집 제1권. 대 건축사 솔네즈. 상징과 신화를 교묘하게 배합하여 인간의 야망과 인간 능력의 한계를 시험하는 극이다. 주인공 스스로의 내적 자아가 공어한 현실적 지대에서 사회악과 서로 충돌하는 과정을 담고있다. [인터넷 교보문고 제공] Halvard Solness is the middle-aged Master Builder of a small town in Norway who has become a successful architect of some distinction and local reputation. One day while having a visit from his friend Doctor Herdal, Solness is visited by Hilda Wangel, a young woman of twenty-three from another town whom Doctor Herdal happens to recognize from a recent trip that he had taken. The doctor leaves, Solness is alone with Hilda, and she reminds him that they are not strangers ? they have previously met in her home town ten years ago when she was twelve/thirteen years old. When Solness does not respond right away, she reminds him that at one point during their encounter he had made advances to her, had offered her a romantic interlude, and promised her "a kingdom", all of which she believed. He denies this. She gradually convinces him, however, that she can assist him with his household duties, and so he takes her into his home. Solness is also the manager of an architectural office in which he employs Knut Brovik, his son Ragnar Brovik, and Kaia Fosli. Kaia and Ragnar are romantically linked, and Ragnar has ambitions to become promoted in his architectural vocation, which Solness is remiss to grant or support. Solness also has a complicated relationship with his wife, Aline, and the two are revealed to have lost children, some years ago, as a result of a fire. During this time, Solness builds a closer tie with Hilda while she is in his home, and she supports his architectural vocation and new projects. During the construction of his most recent project which includes a towering steeple, Hilda learns