심판 (Das Urteil

심판 (Das Urteil

프란츠 카프카 (Franz Kafka) 저
논객넷 출판사
PC PHONE TABLET 웹뷰어 프로그램 수동설치 뷰어프로그램 설치 안내
  • 보유 1
  • 대출 0
  • 예약 0


독일어로 제작된 오디오 + 이북 전자책입니다.

"The Judgment" ("Das Urteil") is a short story written by Franz Kafka in 1912, concerning the relationship between a man and his father.
The story begins with a young merchant, Georg Bendemann, sitting in his room, writing a letter to his dear friend in Russia, who had left their hometown some years prior to set up a business that, though initially successful, was now failing. Georg is writing to tell his friend, amongst other happenings, that he is engaged to and will soon marry Frieda Brandenfeld.
Georg breaks out of his reverie and decides to check on his father. He informs his father that he has just written a letter to his friend, updating him on his upcoming marriage. His father questions the existence of his son’s friend in Russia, at which point Georg changes the subject. Georg’s father accuses him of deceiving him of the happenings of the business. He claims the death of his wife (Georg’s mother) hit him harder than it did Georg.
Georg insists on having his father lie down in bed for a while. Because of this, Georg’s father claims his son wants him dead. Moreover, he admits to knowing his son’s friend. He makes Georg feel terrible, suggesting that Georg has ignored his friend ever since he moved away to Russia. The father does not appreciate Georg’s love and care, maintaining he can take care of himself. Georg shrinks back into a corner, scared of his father and his harsh words.
Georg’s father accuses him of being selfish and finally sentences him to "death by drowning". Georg feels himself pushed from the room. He runs from his home to a bridge over a stretch of water. He swings himself over the railing and plunges, apparently to his death.

--------- 오디북 북 + 이북이 / 하나로 = 입체전자책 -----------
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